Dean's Message

Academic Year 2022-2023

The Will to Succeed

The academic year 2021-2022 came to an end with unprecedented success for the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (COPHS).  COPHS faculty, staff, and students excelled in teaching, research, and service.  The alumni continued their giving and engagement with the college and our external partners and friends of the college showed tremendous support.

Here are just a few highlights:

  • The PharmD program received full accreditation through June 2028, Nutritional Science and Dietetics received full accreditation through June 2027 and we launched an inaugural PharmD Nutritional Sciences IPE fellowship program.    
  • Kudos to our faculty for their continued hard work; COPHS faculty & staff received 27 TSU Innovation grants among many other national grants and the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences received the Provost’s Department of the Year Award.   
  • Our students continue to represent COPHS at the campus and national levels participating in events such as The SNPhA Good Rx Building Health Equity Competition and the selection of 3 COPHS graduate students as prestigious Albert Schweitzer Fellows. 
  • Our inaugural COPHS Golf Invitational raised funds to support student scholarships, travel, and activities.
  • The college continued to manage all COVID-related activities for the entire campus and we further expanded our efforts in COVID-19 containment by testing air and wastewater on campus.
  • Our academic, experiential, and student services have done an outstanding job of serving our faculty and students. 

This new academic year promises to be another year in which we achieve milestones in teaching, research, and service.

Our collective success is the result of our will to succeed.  The will to succeed is not defined as our burning desire to achieve something. Rather, the will to succeed is defined as having the collective courage, flexibility, and resilience to work towards our common goals. 

With best wishes for a productive academic year 22-23,



Previous Message

August 2020


Dean Rashid MosavinDear students, faculty, staff, alumni & friends,

We begin the academic year 2020-2021 this month amid a global pandemic.

We have worked tirelessly this summer retooling to be certain that we can deliver a high-quality curriculum online and possibly a hybrid format

As I begin my second year of serving as your Dean, I wish to thank my faculty and staff for their commitment to excellence. Their candid conversations and honest feedback over the past year has helped me to better understand the college’s needs.

Much has happened and much has been accomplished during the past year.

 We have seen a global viral infection pandemic spread all across the country.  We must be engaged in efforts toward its regression.  We have and continue to witness a popular uprising against social injustice and systemic racism in our nation. This is our second pandemic. Much like the first, it is our duty to engage in efforts towards its end.

Our students are doing well in all our programs. I am very excited about new leadership in our Office of Experiential Education.

Our new Office of Education Effectiveness (OEE) in partnership with each of our programs’ Educational Effectiveness Committees (EEC) will assure the delivery of the most rigorous curricula.  Further, they ascertain that the appropriate assessment tools are being utilized to measure student learning outcomes.  The OEE also serves to compile and disseminate curricular and programmatic data to internal stakeholders such as TSU Administration and external stakeholders such as accrediting agencies. 

The newly formed Division of Interprofessional Practice with its state-of-the-art medical simulation center will play an integral role in providing first class interprofessional education and practice classes to our students and preceptors.

One of the core functions of our college is our responsibility to the community in which we operate and our relationship with our alumni and supporters. I am delighted to announce that we are starting this year with our new Director of Outreach. He will start to lay the foundation for a number of initiatives to engage and serve our community and external stakeholders.

Let me assure you that although we are starting the academic year 2020-2021 in the midst of two pandemics, we will finish the year stronger than ever by making a commitment to teaching, learning, safety, and the community. Finally, I ask that you practice kindness and compassion with one another.

May you always live in the present moment.

Dean Mosavin

Rashid Mosavin, RPh., PhD., MBA
Dean & Professor
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
(713) 313-7381
Gray Hall 240 
Texas Southern University, August 2020